Sunday, December 6, 2009

How do you log in myspace from school?

You can't and you shouldn't even try because that is against the acceptable use policy at your school. They have sites blocked for a reason and trying to bypass their security will get you banned from using any of their their computers and maybe even suspended or expelled.

How do you log in myspace from school?

Most schools block out the websites they don't want you to go to. You will need to figure out how to bypass the administrative settings.

How do you log in myspace from school?

You probably can't Many schools are blocking it because of the gossip and fighting (between kids) on it .

How do you log in myspace from school?

you can't, unless you have the password, which is impossible to get so you may as well forget it.

How do you log in myspace from school?

The easy way, if your school happens to be lazy with their filetering services:

type in

It's not quite as easy to remember as, but it's the same thing...

How do you log in myspace from school?

concentrate on school work, not my space. go after school to the library or a friends house to do something like that.

How do you log in myspace from school?

What the world!!! Is my space for education in our school now? Is it a good site for researching or something? I think teacher need to be beware of my space. It might take over our school of education place for us someday.

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